Mood - a word generally used to describe one’s state of mind, is a pretty controversial word I must say, especially around the people I know( including me) cause just like our dear politician’s ambitions or say our exceptional cricketers form , it sometimes fluctuates like crazy.
I was blissfully unaware of my rather dramatic mood swings until this friend of mine recently pointed out how I was completely peaceful one moment ago and seemed to be tearing out my hair in anger at the next, but you really cant blame me my college is filled with such split personalities ( of course yours truly is a part of the herd) where almost everyone suffers from deranged mood swings .
Below I shall elaborate on the above with suitable examples.
1.BLE guy – dear god this man is a champion as far as having the most sudden and dramatic mood swings are concerned.
Like the other day he was clearing our doubts regarding the internal paper, smiling and all( freaky!!!!!!), then all of a sudden he comes storming towards our bench and tells us off for screaming in class( hello you said nothing 5 minutes ago when we were doing the exact same thing???????)
2. Mr.dude –this one is a classic example of “multiple personality disorder” sometimes he says hi to my friends and me like he’s known us all our lives but sometimes he acts like we are total strangers (????)
3. Mom- moms are meant to be loved but sometimes they make it really hard……..
last week as usual when I came home from college she opened the door cheerfully , enquiring about the events of the day and made me a nice hot cup of chai ( all this while I’m thinking ah.. I have such a wonderful mom, I can tell her about my electronics marks, what was I so afraid of, but alas I had thought too soon the monster would soon be unleashed !!!) and then in a span of 5 minutes she starts giving me a lecture of how irresponsible and insensitive I am(???) and why because I did not put my lunch box for wash…
So I’d like to say in short people with fluctuating moods are “dangerous” love them while they’re in a good mood, but at the slightest hint of a mood swing “ run for your life!!!.
I was blissfully unaware of my rather dramatic mood swings until this friend of mine recently pointed out how I was completely peaceful one moment ago and seemed to be tearing out my hair in anger at the next, but you really cant blame me my college is filled with such split personalities ( of course yours truly is a part of the herd) where almost everyone suffers from deranged mood swings .
Below I shall elaborate on the above with suitable examples.
1.BLE guy – dear god this man is a champion as far as having the most sudden and dramatic mood swings are concerned.
Like the other day he was clearing our doubts regarding the internal paper, smiling and all( freaky!!!!!!), then all of a sudden he comes storming towards our bench and tells us off for screaming in class( hello you said nothing 5 minutes ago when we were doing the exact same thing???????)
2. Mr.dude –this one is a classic example of “multiple personality disorder” sometimes he says hi to my friends and me like he’s known us all our lives but sometimes he acts like we are total strangers (????)
3. Mom- moms are meant to be loved but sometimes they make it really hard……..
last week as usual when I came home from college she opened the door cheerfully , enquiring about the events of the day and made me a nice hot cup of chai ( all this while I’m thinking ah.. I have such a wonderful mom, I can tell her about my electronics marks, what was I so afraid of, but alas I had thought too soon the monster would soon be unleashed !!!) and then in a span of 5 minutes she starts giving me a lecture of how irresponsible and insensitive I am(???) and why because I did not put my lunch box for wash…
So I’d like to say in short people with fluctuating moods are “dangerous” love them while they’re in a good mood, but at the slightest hint of a mood swing “ run for your life!!!.