Monday, August 25, 2008
The RV Effect
5 reasons why RVCE’s home!! sucks n rocks simultaneously!! lik 4 eg Monday college s startin n even tho m dreading having 2 get up before noon I cant wait 2 go not just 2 meet friends but also 2 c BLE dude (miss u da magga ;))
ps-: c this is what happens after a yr in rv u jus LOSE IT!! ll find best friends, bitchin buddies, brotherly dudes in gr8 abundance but not even a single eligible boyfriend !! :(:) ll jus fall in love wid every bit f campus 4m d green lawns 2 d stone benches in tat chukka ground v have cuz u can jus rest ur ass anywhere n relax, bliss!! :)(I now kno wat druggies feel in goa;))
4.its 1 place wid true variety, wid nerds who mugg till there s no place left 2 cram stuff in2 to those dudes who don bother studying cuz they believe d human brain was designed 4 a higher purpose than remembering a few math formulae(lik lyrics 2 some crappy depressin metal song!! :)).
5. n finally you get cool frnds who r generous enough 2 get their cars not 2 drive you around but so tat u can sit in AC n listen 2 gr8 music when u bunk class n have nothing else 2 do.(thanx sank :))
so RV in a yr s become a part of me 2 such an extent it s lik m married 2 it –I cant stand it at times but sometimes i feel lik giving it a rib cracking hug!!:).
god! M talking lik its not a college but a living, breathing thing c this is what s “The RV Effect”!!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
A Moody Scenario

I was blissfully unaware of my rather dramatic mood swings until this friend of mine recently pointed out how I was completely peaceful one moment ago and seemed to be tearing out my hair in anger at the next, but you really cant blame me my college is filled with such split personalities ( of course yours truly is a part of the herd) where almost everyone suffers from deranged mood swings .
Below I shall elaborate on the above with suitable examples.
1.BLE guy – dear god this man is a champion as far as having the most sudden and dramatic mood swings are concerned.
Like the other day he was clearing our doubts regarding the internal paper, smiling and all( freaky!!!!!!), then all of a sudden he comes storming towards our bench and tells us off for screaming in class( hello you said nothing 5 minutes ago when we were doing the exact same thing???????)
2. Mr.dude –this one is a classic example of “multiple personality disorder” sometimes he says hi to my friends and me like he’s known us all our lives but sometimes he acts like we are total strangers (????)
3. Mom- moms are meant to be loved but sometimes they make it really hard……..
last week as usual when I came home from college she opened the door cheerfully , enquiring about the events of the day and made me a nice hot cup of chai ( all this while I’m thinking ah.. I have such a wonderful mom, I can tell her about my electronics marks, what was I so afraid of, but alas I had thought too soon the monster would soon be unleashed !!!) and then in a span of 5 minutes she starts giving me a lecture of how irresponsible and insensitive I am(???) and why because I did not put my lunch box for wash…
So I’d like to say in short people with fluctuating moods are “dangerous” love them while they’re in a good mood, but at the slightest hint of a mood swing “ run for your life!!!.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sweet Love

Childhood sweethearts we’ve all had them, for some they last for others they don’t but ah… they all do leave behind a lasting impression. Whether that special someone was just a crush, a fantasy or an absolute nightmare they were always those times when we thought that “ we were meant to be together” , but later we realize that madam destiny had her own sweet plans and that’s when we move from being kids to adults………..
Little Manhattan is a wonderful movies which highlights the dizzying heights and neurotic lows of first lst love…….
“ Little Manhattan is a love letter to the joys and pains of first love, this is a giant sweetheart of a movie—a lightning-in-a-bottle rarity that will entertain adults as much as it will children (around eight and up) all the while never once talking down to any age group. This isn't merely a cutesy, lightweight romp (like, for example, Disney Channel series'), either, but a heartfelt, realistic, deeply touching motion picture that gets just right the feeling of being eleven years old and discovering your first pangs of romantic affection.
That is exactly what happens to Gabe (Josh Hutcherson), a boy on the cusp of adolescence who is enjoying a carefree summer of hanging out with his guy friends on the Upper West Side of Manhattan until Rosemary (Charlie Ray), a classmate he has known since kindergarten, shows up in his beginners karate class. Once friends before the whole cooties epidemic hit in the first grade, Gabe suddenly sees Rosemary in a whole new light. He doesn't quite know what it is, but his racing heart every time he looks at her is a feeling he likes. Paired up as sparring partners, they soon become good friends again—spending time at each other's homes, going to Central Park, secretly journeying downtown to the Village to check out a possible home for Gabe's father, Adam (Bradley Whitford), who is currently going through a divorce with mother Leslie (Cynthia Nixon). With Rosemary headed to camp in just a few weeks that Gabe begins to fear this may be his one and only chance to tell her how he feels about her.
Meanwhile, as the two become closer, Gabe grapples with garnering the courage to kiss her, something that he finds himself chickening out with. When they attend a concert with Rosemary's parents and finally hold hands for the first time, it is a purely magical moment. As the summer wears on and Rosemary's departure for camp draws near, Gabe grows all the more sure that he loves her. But, when the time comes to express his feelings, Rosemary's reaction to the news avoids going over-the-top or warm and fuzzy, and is played just right. She is, after all, still just a kid who isn't quite ready to start quote-unquote "dating." ”
This is not a “wine n roses and happily ever after” romantic movie but very moving in its utter simplicity so for all of you out there who have lost faith in the very phenomenon of “ love” it is a must watch as it rekindles one’s faith in sweet innocent love.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
After a long haitus
For starters I got into the “much coveted” rv college of engineering that to into the branch I wanted “telecommunications” so that was great, but then college started……
Its been hectic and stressful to say the least but I guess it’s a bitter-sweet existence, even though the course load’s tiring and the traveling overwhelming I’ve made some great friends already, touch wood, I mean I have to survive 4 years here. Other than that there’s guitar class and debating- the extra curriculars I have no intention of giving up,as a result I have to work double hard to keep up with the never ending homework, assignments etc( can u believe they make you do all this in college and check it too) so even though its just been 1 month into college I have to occasionally get up at 3 in the morning to finish the above mentioned crap, but I have kinda gotten used to this grueling schedule, at a personal level things are so-so but I guess things are not so bad after all I could have ended up in some hell-hole with no friends whatsoever ……………. So that’s a thumb’s up from me.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sailing towards uncharted waters, better than drowning in dismay
Of late life has been demanding in more ways than one, the details of which I shall not burden you with, but basically it has been pretty frustrating and its not helping that most of my friends have been pretty depressed themselves thus leaving nobody to liven my own dampened spirits. Some are depressed due to family problems, for others its work related issues and for certain others its just plain boredom, whatever the cause may be the effect has been more or less the same, and I guess its really not helping anyone that the weather has been so foreboding too.
Anyways I m glad that in a couple of weeks I shall be getting away from all this, like the Linkin Park song goes “ Its easier to run………..” , I would rather run than feel so low.
Anyways coming to the sailing part of it, you see Vizag is a sea port and my uncle ( who stays there) is some sort of director in the ship yard so I may actually get the opportunity to sail in a ship, so I’m hoping that as I sail in one of those majestic ships, I’ll also be able to sail past my own depression and cruise into happier times.
PS-: If there are dementors around spreading dread in the air, "HELP, harry we need a huge patronous".
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Hibernating at home
Saturday, August 4, 2007
August to be spent in denial
Even though all this while everyone’s been focusing on which college or which branch to get into, everyone also realises its time to say goodbye, some for the better( mostly to the jain chem and physics department , who made my life in jain college a living hell and also to a few select students in class whose names I’d rather not mention) and others unfortunately for the worse. Even though most of my friends are going to continue to pursue their studies in banglore, a few are leaving for better prospects elsewhere………but even though this may sound a tad melodramatic ,considerin I can always keep in touch through the phone or the net, whether a few miles or millions this does make a lot of difference, and so this fact that I’m going to be away from people I’ve known since nursery has’nt really been accepted by me. I choose to live in denial…. Sad na but true because sometimes living in denial does give one a false sense of security and warmth and puts away a lot of unwanted mental stress and apprehension, and the only thing I’d like to say to justify this psychopath like behavior is that anyways in a month’s time I’ll have no choice but to face the truth so I’m just trying to avoid the inevitable while I can. .So for now I’m taking life day by day and plan to face the music( whether melodius or not)later…..